Lanny Davis Public Affairs Clients (Domestic and Foreign)

“Factual rebuttal of falsehoods and distortions by reporters who never fact-checked false and distorted reporting on Lanny Davis past client representations:

What I do for a living is crisis management, So people ask me, am I sorry that I defend people that are in trouble having a hard time getting the facts out? No. Is that a controversial line of work? Yes. But I think I have the ability to get facts out and do it successfully. It means sometimes I’m part of the controversy because I’m trying to help.” — Lanny J Davis

Dimtry Firtash:
On his representation of Mr. Firtash, Mr. Davis is a criminal defense attorney and co-counsel to two other prominent US criminal defense attorneys. He chose to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, although he did not represent a foreign government or political party, because as defense counsel he has been called upon to issue public statements to rebut false information or to update the public record with events in court. Regarding Mr. Firtash, the latter has already publicly denied a quotation attributed to him that he needed permission from any Russian organized crime member or has ever had any business relationship with any such member.

Equatorial Guinea:
On his representation of Equatorial Guinea in 2010, Mr. Davis cites the public and published praise of a speech Davis wrote for the president of Equatorial Guinea, and delivered publicly to a global media forum in Cape Town, South Africa, in June 2010, by Nobel-Prize winning religious leader South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Archbishop Tutu’s letter was and is available on the Internet and publicly reported. See Here is a copy of the “comprehensive reform” speech Davis wrote and delivered by the EG president that Archbishop Tutu publicly praised:

Ivory Coast:
On Ivory Coast, despite a false innuendo by an ambassador to the contrary, it is a matter of public record Davis resigned from the representation of the Embassy of Ivory Coast in 10- days – see copy of his letter of resignation And Davis was publicly praised by a published statement by the official spokesperson of the U.S. State Department on January 1, 2011. See State Department statement — Here is an excerpt from that statement: “Certainly, Lanny was helpful [in his Ivory Coast Embassy representation and work with the U.S. State Department.] He did open another alternative channel of communication for us, and was providing the right advice to his client….Unfortunately, every indication is that his client wasn’t heeding his advice.”

For More Information:

Equatorial Guinea
Washington, D.C. Embassy of the Ivory Coast
Honduran Business Council

For-Profit Colleges


Professional & Community Activities

Democratic Committee

Served three terms (1980 to 1992) on the Democratic National Committee representing the state of Maryland.

Former Chairman

Former Chairman, Eastern Region Caucus if the Democratic National Committee Executive Committee.

Former Chairman

Former Chairman, Washington Suburban Transit Commission for Montgomery County, Maryland.